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Учебник HTML.
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Хостинг через призму DNS.
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Учебник PHP - Самоучитель
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SSI в примерах.
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Графические часы.
Примеры скриптов на языке JavaScript

Первый пример - это часы, отображающие время загрузки страницы (т.е. момент вызова скрипта). Используются методы объекта Date (getHours, getMinutes) и графические файлы, отображающие полученное время (имена этих файлов соответствуют цифрам - 0-9).

Во втором примере, отображающем текущую дату, также используются методы объекта Date (getDate, getMnth, getYear) и графические файлы, отображающие полученную дату (имена этих файлов соответствуют цифрам - 0-9).

1.<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
// Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Tomer Shiran. All rights reserved.
// Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is.
// Additional scripts can be found at http:
/// image files needed:
// dg0.gif
// dg1.gif 
// dg2.gif
// dg3.gif
// dg4.gif
// dg5.gif
// dg6.gif
// dg7.gif
// dg8.gif
// dg9.gif
// dgam.gif
// dgpm.gif
// dgc.gif
// Any set of digit images (0-9), an "am" image, 
// a "pm" image, and a colon image respectively
// will work with this script.  
// instructions:
// Place all image files in a folder / directory. 
// Add this script, including all comments, to 
// the desired HTML document. The HTML file must
// be located in the same directory as the image
// files.
function setClock() {
	// initialize accumulative HTML variable to empty string
	var text = "" 
// set standard convention for digit and punctuation images 
	var openImage = "<IMG SRC=\"" + getPath(location.href) + "dg"
	var closeImage = ".gif\" HEIGHT=21 WIDTH=16>"
	// initialize time-related variables with current time settings
	var now = new Date()
	var hour = now.getHours()
	var minute = now.getMinutes()
	now = null
	var ampm = "" 
	// validate hour values
	and set value of ampm
	if (hour >= 12) {
		hour -= 12
		ampm = "pm"
	} else
		ampm = "am"
	hour = (hour == 0) ? 12 : hour
	// add zero digit to a one digit minute as spaceholder
	if (minute < 10)
		minute = "0" + minute 
// do not parse this number!
	// convert minute and hour values to strings
	minute += ""
	hour += ""
	// assign image tags according to the value of hour
	for (var i = 0; i < hour.length; ++i) {
		text += openImage + hour.charAt(i) + closeImage
	// assign image tag of colon separator to text variable
	text += openImage + "c.gif\" HEIGHT=21 WIDTH=9>" 
	// assign image tags according to the value of minute
	for (var i = 0; i < minute.length; ++i) {
		text += openImage + minute.charAt(i) + closeImage
	// assign am / pm image tag to text variable
	text += openImage + ampm + closeImage
	// return accumulative HTML string
	return text}function getPath(url) {
	lastSlash = url.lastIndexOf("/")
	return url.substring(0, lastSlash + 1)}
// -->
2.<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
// Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Tomer Shiran. All rights reserved.
// Permission given to use the script provided that this notice remains as is.
// Additional scripts can be found at http:
/// image files needed:
// *******************
// dg0.gif
// dg1.gif 
// dg2.gif
// dg3.gif
// dg4.gif
// dg5.gif
// dg6.gif
// dg7.gif
// dg8.gif
// dg9.gif
// dgp.gif
// Any set of digit images (0-9), and a period
// image (.) will work with this script.  
// instructions:
// *************
// Place all image files in a folder / directory. 
// Add this script, including all comments, to 
// the desired HTML document. The HTML file must
// be located in the same directory as the image
// files.
function setDate() {
	// initialize accumulative HTML variable to empty string
	var text = "" 
	// set standard convention for digit and punctuation images 
	var openImage = "<IMG SRC=\"" + getPath(location.href) + "dg"
	var closeImage = ".gif\" HEIGHT=21 WIDTH=16>"
	// initialize time-related variables with current date settings
	var now = new Date()
	var month = now.getMonth()
	var date = now.getDate()
	var year = now.getYear()
	now = null
	// convert integer value of month to standard range
	month++ // 0 - 11 => 1 - 12
	// convert minute and hour values to strings
	month += ""
	date += ""
	year += ""
	// assign image tags associated with month to text variable 
	for (var i = 0; i < month.length; ++i) {
		text += openImage + month.charAt(i) + closeImage
	// assign image tag of period separator to text variable
	text += openImage + "p.gif\" HEIGHT=21 WIDTH=9>" 
	// assign image tags associated with date to text variable 
	for (var i = 0; i < date.length; ++i) {
		text += openImage + date.charAt(i) + closeImage
	// assign image tag of period separator to text variable
	text += openImage + "p.gif\" HEIGHT=21 WIDTH=9>" 
	// assign image tags associated with year to text variable 
	for (var i = 0; i < year.length; ++i) {
		text += openImage + year.charAt(i) + closeImage
	// return accumulative HTML string
	return text}function getPath(url) {
	lastSlash = url.lastIndexOf("/")
	return url.substring(0, lastSlash + 1)}
// -->

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