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Учебник PHP - Самоучитель
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$obj = new DOTNET("assembly", "classname")


The DOTNET class allows you to instantiate a class from a .Net assembly and call its methods and access its properties.


string DOTNET::DOTNET ( string assembly_name, string class_name [, int codepage] )

DOTNET class constructor. assembly_name specifies which assembly should be loaded, and class_name specifices which class in that assembly to instantiate. You may optionally specify a codepage to use for unicode string transformations; see the COM class for more details on code pages.

The returned object is an overloaded object, which means that PHP does not see any fixed methods as it does with regular classes; instead, any property or method accesses are passed through to COM and from there to DOTNET. In other words, the .Net object is mapped through the COM interoperability layer provided by the .Net runtime.

Once you have created a DOTNET object, PHP treats it identically to any other COM object; all the same rules apply.

Пример 1. DOTNET example

= new DOTNET("mscorlib", "System.Collections.Stack");
$stack->Push("Hello ");
$stack->Pop() . $stack->Pop();

Замечание: You need to install the .Net runtime on your web server to take advantage of this feature.

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