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(no version information, might be only in CVS)

aggregate_info --  Returns an associative array of the methods and properties from each class that has been aggregated to the object


array aggregate_info ( object object )

Will return the aggregation information for a particular object as an associative array of arrays of methods and properties. The key for the main array is the name of the aggregated class.

For example the code below

Пример 1. Using aggregate_info()


class Slicer {

$this->vegetable = $vegetable;

"Doing some simple slicing\n";
        for (
$i=0; $i < $num_cuts; $i++) {
// do some slicing

Dicer {
$rotation_angle = 90;   // degrees

function Dicer($vegetable)
$this->vegetable = $vegetable;

"Cutting in one direction\n";
        for (
$i=0; $i < $num_cuts; $i++) {
// do some cutting
"Cutting in a second direction\n";
        for (
$i=0; $i < $num_cuts; $i++) {
// do some more cutting

"Now rotating {$this->vegetable} {$deg} degrees\n";

// so secret we cannot show you ;-)

$obj = new Slicer('onion');
aggregate($obj, 'Dicer');

Will produce the output

[dicer] => Array
[methods] => Array
[0] => dice_it
[1] => rotate

[properties] => Array
[0] => rotation_angle


As you can see, all properties and methods of the Dicer class have been aggregated into our new object, with the exception of the class constructor and the method _secret_super_dicing

See also aggregate(), aggregate_methods(), aggregate_methods_by_list(), aggregate_methods_by_regexp(), aggregate_properties(), aggregate_properties_by_list(), aggregate_properties_by_regexp(), deaggregate()

Пред. Начало След.
Object Aggregation/Composition Functions Уровень выше aggregate_methods_by_list

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