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Руководство по PHP
Пред. След.


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.3, PHP 5)

com_print_typeinfo --  Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface


bool com_print_typeinfo ( object comobject [, string dispinterface [, bool wantsink]] )

The purpose of this function is to help generate a skeleton class for use as an event sink. You may also use it to generate a dump of any COM object, provided that it supports enough of the introspection interfaces, and that you know the name of the interface you want to display.

comobject should be either an instance of a COM object, or be the name of a typelibrary (which will be resolved according to the rules set out in com_load_typelib()). dispinterface is the name of an IDispatch descendant interface that you want to display. If wantsink is TRUE, the corresponding sink interface will be displayed instead.

See also com_event_sink(), com_load_typelib().

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