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Руководство по PHP
Пред. След.


(PHP 5 <= 5.0.4)

dbx_fetch_row -- Fetches rows from a query-result that had the DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED flag set


mixed dbx_fetch_row ( object result_identifier )

dbx_fetch_row() returns a row on success, and 0 on failure (e.g. when no more rows are available). When the DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED is not set in the query, dbx_fetch_row() will fail as all rows have already been fetched into the results data property.

As a side effect, the rows property of the query-result object is incremented for each successful call to dbx_fetch_row().

Пример 1. How to handle the returned value

= dbx_query($link, 'SELECT id, parentid, description FROM table', DBX_RESULT_UNBUFFERED);

while (
$row = dbx_fetch_row($result)) {
    foreach (
$row as $field) {

The result_identifier parameter is the result object returned by a call to dbx_query().

The returned object contains the same information as any row would have in the dbx_query result data property, including columns accessible by index or fieldname when the flags for dbx_guery were set that way.

See also dbx_query().

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