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gopher_parsedir -- Translate a gopher formatted directory entry into an associative array.


array gopher_parsedir ( string dirent )

While gopher returns text/plain documents for actual document requests. A request to a directory (such as /) will return specially encoded series of lines with each line being one directory entry or information line.


Пример 1. Hypothetical output from gopher://gopher.example.com/

0All about my gopher site.	/allabout.txt	gopher.example.com	70
9A picture of my cat.	/pics/cat.png	gopher.example.com	70
1A collection of my writings.	/stories	gopher.example.com	70
hThe HTTP version of this site.	URL:http://www.example.com	gopher.example.com	70
1Mirror of this site in Spain.	/	gopher.ejemplo.co.es	70
iWelcome to my gopher site.		error.host	1
iPlease select one of the options above		error.host	1
iSend complaints to /dev/null		error.host	1
iLong live gopher!		error.host	1

In the example above, the root directory at gopher.example.com knows about one DOCUMENT identified by 0 located at gopher://gopher.example.com:70/allabout.txt. It also knows about two other directory (which have their own listing files) at gopher://gopher.exmaple.com:70/stories and at gopher://gopher.ejemplo.co.es:70/. In addition there is a binary file, a link to an HTTP url, and several informative lines.

By passing each line of the directory listing into gopher_parsedir(), an associative array is formed containing a parsed out version of the data.

Пример 2. Using gopher_parsedir()


$directory = file("gopher://gopher.example.com");

$directory as $dirent) {

/* Expected Output

Array (
  [type] => 0
  [title] => All about my gopher site.
  [path] => /allabout.txt
  [host] => gopher.example.com
  [port] => 70
Array (
  [type] => 9
  [title] => A picture of my cat.
  [path] => /pics/cat.png
  [host] => gopher.example.com
  [port] => 70
Array (
  [type] => 1
  [title] => A collection of my writings.
  [path] => /stories
  [host] => gopher.example.com
  [port] => 70
Array (
  [type] => 254
  [title] => The HTTP version of this site.
  [path] => URL:http://www.example.com
  [host] => gopher.example.com
  [port] => 70
Array (
  [type] => 1
  [title] => Mirror of this site in Spain.
  [path] => /
  [host] => gopher.ejemplo.co.es
  [port] => 70
Array (
  [type] => 255
  [title] => Welcome to my gopher site.
  [path] =>
  [host] => error.host
  [port] => 1
Array (
  [type] => 255
  [title] => Please select one of the options above.
  [path] =>
  [host] => error.host
  [port] => 1
Array (
  [type] => 255
  [title] => Send complaints to /dev/null
  [path] =>
  [host] => error.host
  [port] => 1
Array (
  [type] => 255
  [title] => Long live gopher!
  [path] =>
  [host] => error.host
  [port] => 1

The values given by type are associated with the following constants.

Таблица 1. Gopher Constants

GOPHER_DOCUMENTStandard text/plain document.
GOPHER_DIRECTORYA resource containing a gopher formatted directory listing.
GOPHER_BINHEXA BinHex encoded binary file.
GOPHER_DOSBINARYA DOS formatted binary archive.
GOPHER_BINARYA generic binary file.
GOPHER_INFOAn Informational entry
GOPHER_HTTPA reference to an HTTP resource.
GOPHER_UNKNOWN An unrecognized entry, the line will be returned in data.

Пред. Начало След.
Net_Gopher Уровень выше Функции протокола HTTP

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