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Учебник PHP - Самоучитель
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Руководство по PHP
Пред. След.


(PHP 3 >= 3.0.3, PHP 4, PECL)

hw_getremotechildren -- Gets children of remote document


mixed hw_getremotechildren ( int connection, string object_record )

Returns the children of a remote document. Children of a remote document are remote documents itself. This makes sense if a database query has to be narrowed and is explained in Hyperwave Programmers' Guide. If the number of children is 1 the function will return the document itself formatted by the Hyperwave Gateway Interface (HGI). If the number of children is greater than 1 it will return an array of object record with each maybe the input value for another call to hw_getremotechildren(). Those object records are virtual and do not exist in the Hyperwave server, therefore they do not have a valid object ID. How exactly such an object record looks like is up to the HGI. If you want to use this function you should be very familiar with HGIs. You should also consider to use PHP instead of Hyperwave to access external sources. Adding database support by a Hyperwave gateway should be more difficult than doing it in PHP.

See also hw_getremote().

Пред. Начало След.
hw_GetRemote Уровень выше hw_GetSrcByDestObj

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