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(PHP 3 >= 3.0.3, PHP 4, PECL)

hw_GetText -- Retrieve text document


int hw_gettext ( int connection, int objectID [, mixed rootID/prefix] )

Returns the document with object ID objectID. If the document has anchors which can be inserted, they will be inserted already. The optional parameter rootID/prefix can be a string or an integer. If it is an integer it determines how links are inserted into the document. The default is 0 and will result in links that are constructed from the name of the link's destination object. This is useful for web applications. If a link points to an object with name 'internet_movie' the HTML link will be <A HREF="/internet_movie">. The actual location of the source and destination object in the document hierarchy is disregarded. You will have to set up your web browser, to rewrite that URL to for example '/my_script.php3/internet_movie'. 'my_script.php3' will have to evaluate $PATH_INFO and retrieve the document. All links will have the prefix '/my_script.php3/'. If you do not want this you can set the optional parameter rootID/prefix to any prefix which is used instead. Is this case it has to be a string.

If rootID/prefix is an integer and unequal to 0 the link is constructed from all the names starting at the object with the id rootID/prefix separated by a slash relative to the current object. If for example the above document 'internet_movie' is located at 'a-b-c-internet_movie' with '-' being the separator between hierarchy levels on the Hyperwave server and the source document is located at 'a-b-d-source' the resulting HTML link would be: <A HREF="../c/internet_movie">. This is useful if you want to download the whole server content onto disk and map the document hierarchy onto the file system.

This function will only work for pure text documents. It will not open a special data connection and therefore blocks the control connection during the transfer.

See also hw_pipedocument(), hw_free_document(), hw_document_bodytag(), hw_document_size(), and hw_output_document().

Пред. Начало След.
hw_GetSrcByDestObj Уровень выше hw_getusername

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