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imap_getmailboxes --  Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one


array imap_getmailboxes ( resource imap_stream, string ref, string pattern )

Returns an array of objects containing mailbox information. Each object has the attributes name, specifying the full name of the mailbox; delimiter, which is the hierarchy delimiter for the part of the hierarchy this mailbox is in; and attributes. Attributes is a bitmask that can be tested against:

  • LATT_NOINFERIORS - This mailbox has no "children" (there are no mailboxes below this one).

  • LATT_NOSELECT - This is only a container, not a mailbox - you cannot open it.

  • LATT_MARKED - This mailbox is marked. Only used by UW-IMAPD.

  • LATT_UNMARKED - This mailbox is not marked. Only used by UW-IMAPD.

Mailbox names containing international Characters outside the printable ASCII range will be encoded and may be decoded by imap_utf7_decode().

ref should normally be just the server specification as described in imap_open(), and pattern specifies where in the mailbox hierarchy to start searching. If you want all mailboxes, pass '*' for pattern.

There are two special characters you can pass as part of the pattern: '*' and '%'. '*' means to return all mailboxes. If you pass pattern as '*', you will get a list of the entire mailbox hierarchy. '%' means to return the current level only. '%' as the pattern parameter will return only the top level mailboxes; '~/mail/%' on UW_IMAPD will return every mailbox in the ~/mail directory, but none in subfolders of that directory.

Пример 1. imap_getmailboxes() example

= imap_open("{your.imap.host}", "username", "password", OP_HALFOPEN)
      or die(
"can't connect: " . imap_last_error());

$list = imap_getmailboxes($mbox, "{your.imap.host}", "*");
if (
is_array($list)) {
    foreach (
$list as $key => $val) {
"($key) ";
imap_utf7_decode($val->name) . ",";
"'" . $val->delimiter . "',";
$val->attributes . "<br />\n";
} else {
"imap_getmailboxes failed: " . imap_last_error() . "\n";


See also imap_getsubscribed().

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