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(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5, PHP 5)

imap_set_quota -- Sets a quota for a given mailbox


bool imap_set_quota ( resource imap_stream, string quota_root, int quota_limit )

Sets an upper limit quota on a per mailbox basis. This function requires the imap_stream to have been opened as the mail administrator account. It will not work if opened as any other user.

This function is currently only available to users of the c-client2000 or greater library.

imap_stream is the stream pointer returned from a imap_open() call. This stream must be opened as the mail administrator, other wise this function will fail. quota_root is the mailbox to have a quota set. This should follow the IMAP standard format for a mailbox, 'user.name'. quota_limit is the maximum size (in KB) for the quota_root.

Returns TRUE on success and FALSE on error.

Пример 1. imap_set_quota() example

= imap_open("{your.imap.host:143}", "mailadmin", "password");

if (!
imap_set_quota($mbox, "user.kalowsky", 3000)) {
"Error in setting quota\n";


See also imap_open() and imap_get_quota().

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