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Учебник PHP - "Для Чайника".
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Руководство по PHP
Пред. След.


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5 <= 5.0.4)

ingres_query -- Send a SQL query to Ingres II


bool ingres_query ( string query [, resource link] )

Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure.

ingres_query() sends the given query to the Ingres server. This query must be a valid SQL query (see the Ingres SQL reference guide)

The query becomes part of the currently open transaction. If there is no open transaction, ingres_query() opens a new transaction. To close the transaction, you can either call ingres_commit() to commit the changes made to the database or ingres_rollback() to cancel these changes. When the script ends, any open transaction is rolled back (by calling ingres_rollback()). You can also use ingres_autocommit() before opening a new transaction to have every SQL query immediately committed.

Some types of SQL queries can't be sent with this function:

Пример 1. ingres_query() example

($database, $user, $password);

ingres_query("select * from table");
while (
$row = ingres_fetch_row()) {

See also ingres_fetch_array(), ingres_fetch_object(), ingres_fetch_row(), ingres_commit(), ingres_rollback(), and ingres_autocommit().

Пред. Начало След.
ingres_pconnect Уровень выше ingres_rollback

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