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Руководство по PHP
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(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)

mb_output_handler --  Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer


string mb_output_handler ( string contents, int status )

mb_output_handler() is ob_start() callback function. mb_output_handler() converts characters in output buffer from internal character encoding to HTTP output character encoding.

4.1.0 or later version, this handler adds charset HTTP header when following conditions are met:

  • Does not set Content-Type by header()

  • Default MIME type begins with text/

  • http_output setting is other than pass

contents : Output buffer contents

status : Output buffer status

Return Value: String converted

Пример 1. mb_output_handler() example


Замечание: If you want to output some binary data such as image from PHP script with PHP 4.3.0 or later, Content-Type: header must be send using header() before any binary data was send to client (e.g. header("Content-Type: image/png")). If Content-Type: header was send, output character encoding conversion will not be performed.

Note that if 'Content-Type: text/*' was send using header(), the sending data is regarded as text, encoding conversion will be performed using character encoding settings.

If you want to output some binary data such as image from PHP script with PHP 4.2.x or earlier, you must set output encoding to "pass" using mb_http_output().

See also ob_start().

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