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(PHP 3 >= 3.0.6, PHP 4, PHP 5)

odbc_setoption --  Adjust ODBC settings


bool odbc_setoption ( resource id, int function, int option, int param )

This function allows fiddling with the ODBC options for a particular connection or query result. It was written to help find work around to problems in quirky ODBC drivers. You should probably only use this function if you are an ODBC programmer and understand the effects the various options will have. You will certainly need a good ODBC reference to explain all the different options and values that can be used. Different driver versions support different options.

Because the effects may vary depending on the ODBC driver, use of this function in scripts to be made publicly available is strongly discouraged. Also, some ODBC options are not available to this function because they must be set before the connection is established or the query is prepared. However, if on a particular job it can make PHP work so your boss doesn't tell you to use a commercial product, that's all that really matters.

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки.

id is a connection id or result id on which to change the settings.For SQLSetConnectOption(), this is a connection id. For SQLSetStmtOption(), this is a result id.

Function is the ODBC function to use. The value should be 1 for SQLSetConnectOption() and 2 for SQLSetStmtOption().

Parameter option is the option to set.

Parameter param is the value for the given option.

Пример 1. ODBC Setoption Examples

// 1. Option 102 of SQLSetConnectOption() is SQL_AUTOCOMMIT.
//    This example has the same effect as
//    odbc_autocommit($conn, true);

odbc_setoption($conn, 1, 102, 1);

// 2. Option 0 of SQLSetStmtOption() is SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT.
//    This example sets the query to timeout after 30 seconds.

$result = odbc_prepare($conn, $sql);
odbc_setoption($result, 2, 0, 30);

Пред. Начало След.
odbc_rollback Уровень выше odbc_specialcolumns

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