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Руководство по PHP
Пред. След.


(PHP 3, PHP 4, PHP 5 <= 5.1.0RC1)

ora_bind -- Binds a PHP variable to an Oracle parameter


bool ora_bind ( resource cursor, string PHP_variable_name, string SQL_parameter_name, int length [, int type] )

This function binds the named PHP variable with a SQL parameter. The SQL parameter must be in the form ":name". With the optional type parameter, you can define whether the SQL parameter is an in/out (0, default), in (1) or out (2) parameter. As of PHP 3.0.1, you can use the constants ORA_BIND_INOUT, ORA_BIND_IN and ORA_BIND_OUT instead of the numbers.

Возвращает TRUE в случае успешного завершения или FALSE в случае возникновения ошибки. Details about the error can be retrieved using the ora_error() and ora_errorcode() functions.

ora_bind() must be called after ora_parse() and before ora_exec(). Input values can be given by assignment to the bound PHP variables, after calling ora_exec() the bound PHP variables contain the output values if available.

Пример 1. ora_bind() example

($curs, "declare tmp INTEGER; begin tmp := :in; :out := tmp; :x := 7.77; end;");
ora_bind($curs, "result", ":x", $len, 2);
ora_bind($curs, "input", ":in", 5, 1);
ora_bind($curs, "output", ":out", 5, 2);
$input = 765;
"Result: $result<br />Out: $output<br />In: $input";

Пред. Начало След.
Oracle Functions [deprecated] Уровень выше ora_close

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