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(no version information, might be only in CVS)

PDO::lastInsertId --  Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value


string PDO::lastInsertId ( [string name] )

Returns the ID of the last inserted row, or the last value from a sequence object, depending on the underlying driver. For example, PDO_PGSQL() requires you to specify the name of a sequence object for the name parameter.

Замечание: This method may not return a meaningful or consistent result across different PDO drivers, because the underlying database may not even support the notion of auto-increment fields or sequences.

Список параметров


Name of the sequence object from which the ID should be returned.

Возвращаемые значения

If a sequence name was not specified for the name parameter, PDOStatement::lastInsertId() returns a string representing the row ID of the last row that was inserted into the database.

If a sequence name was specified for the name parameter, PDOStatement::lastInsertId() returns a string representing the last value retrieved from the specified sequence object.

If the PDO driver does not support this capability, PDO::lastInsertID() triggers an IM001 SQLSTATE.

Пред. Начало След.
PDO::getAvailableDrivers Уровень выше PDO::prepare

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