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Руководство по PHP
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(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5)

pfpro_process_raw -- Process a raw transaction with Payflow Pro


string pfpro_process_raw ( string parameters [, string address [, int port [, int timeout [, string proxy_address [, int proxy_port [, string proxy_logon [, string proxy_password]]]]]]] )

Returns: A string containing the response.

pfpro_process_raw() processes a raw transaction string with Payflow Pro. You should really use pfpro_process() instead, as the encoding rules of these transactions are non-standard.

The first parameter in this case is a string containing the raw transaction request. All other parameters are the same as with pfpro_process(). The return value is a string containing the raw response.

Замечание: Be sure to read the Payflow Pro Developers Guide for full details of the required parameters and encoding rules. You would be well advised to use pfpro_process() instead.

Пример 1. Payflow Pro raw example



$response = pfpro_process_raw("USER=mylogin&PWD[5]=m&ndy&PARTNER=VeriSign&TRXTYPE=S&TENDER=C&AMT=1.50&ACCT=4111111111111111&EXPDATE=0904");

if (!
$response) {
"Couldn't establish link to Verisign.\n");

"Verisign raw response was " . $response;



See also pfpro_process().

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