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Руководство по PHP
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(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

pg_lo_write -- Write to a large object


int pg_lo_write ( resource large_object, string data [, int len] )

pg_lo_write() writes data into a large object at the current seek position.

To use the large object interface, it is necessary to enclose it within a transaction block.

Замечание: This function used to be called pg_lowrite().

Список параметров


PostgreSQL large object (LOB) resource, returned by pg_lo_open().


The data to be written to the large object. If len is specified and is less than the length of data, only len bytes will be written.


An optional maximum number of bytes to write. Must be greater than zero and no greater than the length of data. Defaults to the length of data.

Возвращаемые значения

The number of bytes written to the large object, or FALSE on error.


Пример 1. pg_lo_write() example

= 189762345;
$data = "This will overwrite the start of the large object.";
$database = pg_connect("dbname=jacarta");
pg_query($database, "begin");
$handle = pg_lo_open($database, $doc_oid, "w");
$data = pg_lo_write($handle, $data);
pg_query($database, "commit");

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