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printer_create_brush -- Create a new brush


resource printer_create_brush ( int style, string color )

The function creates a new brush and returns a handle to it. A brush is used to fill shapes. For an example see printer_select_brush(). color must be a color in RGB hex format, i.e. "000000" for black, style must be one of the following constants:

  • PRINTER_BRUSH_SOLID: creates a brush with a solid color.

  • PRINTER_BRUSH_DIAGONAL: creates a brush with a 45-degree upward left-to-right hatch ( / ).

  • PRINTER_BRUSH_CROSS: creates a brush with a cross hatch ( + ).

  • PRINTER_BRUSH_DIAGCROSS: creates a brush with a 45 cross hatch ( x ).

  • PRINTER_BRUSH_FDIAGONAL: creates a brush with a 45-degree downward left-to-right hatch ( \ ).

  • PRINTER_BRUSH_HORIZONTAL: creates a brush with a horizontal hatch ( - ).

  • PRINTER_BRUSH_VERTICAL: creates a brush with a vertical hatch ( | ).

  • PRINTER_BRUSH_CUSTOM: creates a custom brush from an BMP file. The second parameter is used to specify the BMP instead of the RGB color code.

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printer_close Уровень выше printer_create_dc

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