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(PHP 3 CVS only)

sesam_diagnostic --  Return status information for last SESAM call


array sesam_diagnostic ( void )

Returns an associative array of status and return codes for the last SQL query/statement/command. Elements of the array are:

Таблица 1. Status information returned by sesam_diagnostic()

$array["sqlstate"] 5 digit SQL return code (see the SESAM manual for the description of the possible values of SQLSTATE)
$array["rowcount"] number of affected rows in last update/insert/delete (set after "immediate" statements only)
$array["errmsg"] "human readable" error message string (set after errors only)
$array["errcol"] error column number of previous error (0-based; or -1 if undefined. Set after errors only)
$array["errlin"] error line number of previous error (0-based; or -1 if undefined. Set after errors only)

In the following example, a syntax error (E SEW42AE ILLEGAL CHARACTER) is displayed by including the offending SQL statement and pointing to the error location:

Пример 1. Displaying SESAM error messages with error position

// Function which prints a formatted error message,
// displaying a pointer to the syntax error in the
// SQL statement
function PrintReturncode($exec_str)
$err = Sesam_Diagnostic();
$colspan=4; // 4 cols for: sqlstate, errlin, errcol, rowcount
if ($err["errlin"] == -1)
    if (
$err["errcol"] == -1)
    if (
$err["rowcount"] == 0)
"<table border=\"1\">\n";
"<tr><th colspan=\"" . $colspan . "\"><span class=\"spanred\">ERROR:</span> ".
htmlspecialchars($err["errmsg"]) . "</th></tr>\n";
    if (
$err["errcol"] >= 0) {
"<tr><td colspan=\"" . $colspan . "\"><pre>\n";
$errstmt = $exec_str . "\n";
        for (
$lin=0; $errstmt != ""; ++$lin) {
            if (
$lin != $err["errlin"]) { // $lin is less or greater than errlin
if (!($i = strchr($errstmt, "\n")))
$i = "";
$line = substr ($errstmt, 0, strlen($errstmt)-strlen($i)+1);
$errstmt = substr($i, 1);
                if (
$line != "\n")
            } else {
                if (! (
$i = strchr ($errstmt, "\n")))
$i = "";
$line = substr ($errstmt, 0, strlen ($errstmt)-strlen($i)+1);
$errstmt = substr($i, 1);
                for (
$col=0; $col < $err["errcol"]; ++$col) {
                    echo (
substr($line, $col, 1) == "\t") ? "\t" : ".";
"<span class=\"spanred\">\\</span>\n";
"<span class=\"normal\">" . htmlspecialchars($line) . "</span>";
                for (
$col=0; $col < $err["errcol"]; ++$col) {
                    echo (
substr ($line, $col, 1) == "\t") ? "\t" : ".";
"<span class=\"spanred\">/</span>\n";
" <td>sqlstate=" . $err["sqlstate"] . "</td>\n";
    if (
$err["errlin"] != -1)
" <td>errlin=" . $err["errlin"] . "</td>\n";
    if (
$err["errcol"] != -1)
" <td>errcol=" . $err["errcol"] . "</td>\n";
    if (
$err["rowcount"] != 0)
" <td>rowcount=" . $err["rowcount"] . "</td>\n";

if (!
sesam_connect ("mycatalog", "phoneno", "otto"))
  die (
"cannot connect");

$stmt = "SELECT * FROM phone\n" .
if (!(
$result = sesam_query ($stmt)))
PrintReturncode ($stmt);

See also: sesam_errormsg() for simple access to the error string only

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