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(PHP 5)

variant_idiv --  Converts variants to integers and then returns the result from dividing them


mixed variant_idiv ( mixed left, mixed right )

Converts left and right to integer values, and then performs integer division according the following rules:

Таблица 1. Variant Integer Division Rules

Both expressions are of the string, date, character, boolean typeDivision and integer is returned
One expression is a string type and the other a characterDivision
One expression is numeric and the other is a stringDivision
Both expressions are numericDivision
Either expression is NULLNULL is returned
Both expressions are emptyA com_exception with code DISP_E_DIVBYZERO is thrown

See also variant_div().

Замечание: As with all the variant arithmetic functions, the parameters for this function can be either a PHP native type (integer, string, floating point, boolean or NULL), or an instance of a COM, VARIANT or DOTNET class. PHP native types will be converted to variants using the same rules as found in the constructor for the VARIANT class. COM and DOTNET objects will have the value of their default property taken and used as the variant value.

The variant arithmetic functions are wrappers around the similarly named functions in the COM library; for more information on these functions, consult the MSDN library. The PHP functions are named slightly differently; for example variant_add() in PHP corresponds to VarAdd() in the MSDN documentation.

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