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win32_create_service -- Creates a new service entry in the SCM database


long win32_create_service ( array details [, string machine] )

Список параметров


An array of service details:


The short name of the service. This is the name that you will use to control the service using the net command. The service must be unique (no two services can share the same name), and, ideally, should avoid having spaces in the name.


The display name of the service. This is the name that you will see in the Services Applet.


The name of the user account under which you want the service to run. If omitted, the service will run as the LocalSystem account. If the username is specified, you must also provide a password.


The password that corresponds to the user.


The full path to the executable module that will be launched when the service is started. If omitted, the path to the current PHP process will be used.


Command line parameters to pass to the service when it starts. If you want to run a PHP script as the service, then the first parameter should be the full path to the PHP script that you intend to run.


Controls the load_order. This is not yet fully supported.


Sets the service type. If omitted, the default value is WIN32_SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS. Don't change this unless you know what you're doing.


Specifies how the service should be started. The default is WIN32_SERVICE_AUTO_START which means the the service will be launched when the machine starts up.


Informs the SCM what it should do when it detects a problem with the service. The default is WIN32_SERVER_ERROR_IGNORE. Changing this value is not yet fully supported.


The optional machine name on which you want to create a service. If omitted, it will use the local machine.

Возвращаемые значения

Returns TRUE on success, otherwise returns a win32 error code.


Пример 1. A win32_create_service() example

Any text that describes the purpose of the example, or what goes on in the example should go here (inside the
= win32_create_service(array(
'service' => 'dummyphp',
'display' => 'sample dummy PHP service',
'params' => __FILE__ . ' run',

Смотрите также


Пред. Начало След.
win32service Functions Уровень выше win32_delete_service

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