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Руководство по PHP
Пред. Глава 7. Installation of PECL extensions След.

Compiling shared PECL extensions with phpize

Sometimes, using the pear installer is not an option. This could be because you're behind a firewall, or it could be because the extension you want to install is not available as a PEAR compatible package, such as unreleased extensions from CVS. If you need to build such an extension, you can use the lower-level build tools to perform the build manually.

The phpize command is used to prepare the build environment for a PHP extension. In the following sample, the sources for an extension are in a directory named extname:

$ cd extname
$ phpize
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install

A successful install will have created extname.so and put it into the PHP extensions directory. You'll need to and adjust php.ini and add an extension=extname.so line before you can use the extension.

Пред. Начало След.
Compiling shared PECL extensions with PEAR Уровень выше Compiling PECL extensions statically into PHP

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