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Руководство по PHP
Пред. След.


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

session_register --  Register one or more global variables with the current session


bool session_register ( mixed name [, mixed ...] )

session_register() accepts a variable number of arguments, any of which can be either a string holding the name of a variable or an array consisting of variable names or other arrays. For each name, session_register() registers the global variable with that name in the current session.


If you want your script to work regardless of register_globals, you need to instead use the $_SESSION array as $_SESSION entries are automatically registered. If your script uses session_register(), it will not work in environments where the PHP directive register_globals is disabled.

register_globals: важное замечание: Начиная с PHP 4.2.0, значением директивы PHP register_globals по умолчанию является off (выключено). Сообщество PHP рекомендует всем не полагаться на эту директиву, а использовать вместо этого иные средства, такие как superglobals.


This registers a global variable. If you want to register a session variable from within a function, you need to make sure to make it global using the global keyword or the $GLOBALS[] array, or use the special session arrays as noted below.


If you are using $_SESSION (or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS), do not use session_register(), session_is_registered(), and session_unregister().

This function returns TRUE when all of the variables are successfully registered with the session.

If session_start() was not called before this function is called, an implicit call to session_start() with no parameters will be made. $_SESSION does not mimic this behavior and requires session_start() before use.

You can also create a session variable by simply setting the appropriate member of the $_SESSION or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS (PHP < 4.1.0) array.

// Use of session_register() is deprecated
$barney = "A big purple dinosaur.";

// Use of $_SESSION is preferred, as of PHP 4.1.0
$_SESSION["zim"] = "An invader from another planet.";

// The old way was to use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS["spongebob"] = "He's got square pants.";

Замечание: It is currently impossible to register resource variables in a session. For example, you cannot create a connection to a database and store the connection id as a session variable and expect the connection to still be valid the next time the session is restored. PHP functions that return a resource are identified by having a return type of resource in their function definition. A list of functions that return resources are available in the resource types appendix.

If $_SESSION (or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS for PHP 4.0.6 or less) is used, assign values to $_SESSION. For example: $_SESSION['var'] = 'ABC';

See also session_is_registered(), session_unregister(), and $_SESSION.

Пред. Начало След.
session_regenerate_id Уровень выше session_save_path

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