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CXXV. GNU Recode Functions


This module contains an interface to the GNU Recode library. The GNU Recode library converts files between various coded character sets and surface encodings. When this cannot be achieved exactly, it may get rid of the offending characters or fall back on approximations. The library recognises or produces nearly 150 different character sets and is able to convert files between almost any pair. Most RFC 1345 character sets are supported.

Замечание: Для Windows-платформ это расширение недоступно.


You must have GNU Recode 3.5 or higher installed on your system. You can download the package from http://directory.fsf.org/All_GNU_Packages/recode.html.


The Recode library version 3.6 adds weird characters behind converted strings under certain circumstances. Thus it's safer to use Recode v3.5 or one of the available alternatives like the iconv or mbstring extension.


To be able to use the functions defined in this module you must compile your PHP interpreter using the --with-recode[=DIR] option.


Crashes and startup problems of PHP may be encountered when loading the recode as extension after loading any extension of mysql or imap. Loading the recode before those extension has proved to fix the problem. This is due a technical problem that both the c-client library used by imap and recode have their own hash_lookup() function and both mysql and recode have their own hash_insert function.


Расширение IMAP не может использоваться вместе с расширениями перекодировки или YAZ. Это связано с тем фактом, что они оба используют один и тот же внутренний символ.

Настройка во время выполнения

Данное расширение не определяет никакие директивы конфигурации в php.ini.

Типы ресурсов

Данное расширение не определяет никакие типы ресурсов.

Предопределенные константы

Данное расширение не определяет никакие константы.

recode_file --  Recode from file to file according to recode request
recode_string -- Recode a string according to a recode request
recode -- Alias of recode_string()

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